Women’s Ministry
Wednesday @6:30 PM
Ladies Bible Study
Join us in the Fireside Room in the Family Life Center for the study, The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible. Have you ever experienced the sting of misunderstanding personally and wondered if God could even work in your life or through you to help anyone following it? Most have dealt with this in some facet in their lives. Come and find out about the women in the Bible who many people have misunderstood and how God impacted this world by their lives unto His glory and by His grace.
Sr. Adult Ladies Bible Study
Our senior adult ladies meet in Room 127 in the Worship Center. We are in a study by Max Lucado “Traveling Light“. The study demonstrates how God leads us by still waters, using the familiar verses to help us to take inventory of emotional and spiritual baggage we were never truly meant to carry. Hope you will join us each week for a great time of learning as a group and enjoying fellowship with one another!
We occasionally send out emails to make our ladies aware of
women’s news and upcoming events.
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email list, please send a request to: